Rappler Coupons

Shop with coupons, vouchers, and promo codes in the Philippines

Find great deals, discount codes, and promos with Rappler Coupons

Unlock amazing savings through discounts and deals on your favorite brands!

Rappler Coupons is a dedicated platform designed to help you find the best online deals and discounts available in the Philippines. Developed through a collaboration between Rappler’s BrandRap team and iPrice, Rappler Coupons helps you save more as you shop from top brands across various categories including fashion, beauty, electronics, travel, dining, and more.

Keep up with trends, get the latest gadgets, and try new experiences with the deals you’ll find on this page! You can also check out the BrandRap team’s top picks on this page and through Rappler’s socials!

The vouchers, promo codes, and discounts you see on this page were collected and curated by iPrice, your shopping buddy that provides you with many great options from trusted online stores in the Philippines. BrandRap helps promote these deals through Rappler’s various channels.


Online Shopping had Never been this Exciting with Rappler Coupons!

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About Rappler Coupons in the Philippines

When coupons were first introduced in the 1880s, they created a shopping revolution and soon became a popular household activity. This is because of how it can give shoppers maximum savings without having to bargain for good deals. The rising popularity of coupons and vouchers in the Philippines has changed the way people shop, which is why we’re proud and excited to introduce another new saving solution—Rappler Coupons. Rappler coupons enable you - as an online shopper, to get the hottest deals on gadgets, fashion, travel, lifestyle, and so much more! All you need to do is redeem your Rappler coupons!

But just how much can a person save out of that little code? From a recent industry report, the average percentage of discount a coupon user can acquire is 25%. To ensure that your next purchase is at the lowest price possible, visit the Rappler Coupons page regularly and peruse the latest promotions curated. With a wide selection of deals across different categories, your shopping habits will never be the same after trying Rappler Coupons. These codes are provided free of charge and are easy to use.

How to Redeem your Rappler Coupons?

One awesome thing about shopping online is that you can easily redeem your coupons and get the latest discounts and coupons. Check out the steps below on how you can redeem your Rappler coupons.

  1. Browse through the current promotions on this page or click on coupon categories or coupon stores that you wish to use.
  2. Choose the coupon you want to choose from the selection by clicking on the Get Coupon Code button.
  3. The page will generate a pop-up that contains your promo codes. It will also open a new page that would lead you to the online shopping store.
  4. You can then copy the code from Rappler and continue shopping on the online store you want.
  5. Upon check out, enter the code that has been copied to enjoy the discounted price!

Keep in mind that there are two types of discounts available on Rappler: a coupon and a deal. An offer refers to a seasonal campaign. This is when a selected product or category is put on sale, usually an ongoing promotion, while a deal refers to a specific discount opportunity that is available for one-time redemption only.

The Biggest Online Stores in the Philippines

The Philippines is a haven for online shoppers. From fashion, lifestyle, technology, and more, Filipinos can now enjoy online shopping's beauty and convenience thanks to coupons. The best thing about Rappler's discounts and coupons is that it is affiliated with some of the Philippines' biggest online shopping websites. So if you love to shop online, make sure to always drop by Rappler's coupon page to check the country's latest deals.


Considered Asia's Amazon, LAZADA is your one-stop shopping destination for anything and everything you need! Since it was first launched in Asia in 2012, the online store has grown immensely, not only in the Philippines but also in Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Singapore. If you ever need something that you can't find in malls or department stores, get your laptops and mobile phones ready for an all-out shopping spree at LAZADA!


If fashion is your ultimate passion, then Zalora is the online store for you. From the hottest brands and the latest trends, Zalora ensures that you only get the best quality clothing for both men and women. Moreover, you can also grab the hottest shoes, bags, sportswear, and accessories that you would need to create a fashionable #OOTD. Aside from brands, ZALORA also has its own fashion line that is affordable and of good quality.


A one-stop-shop that provides all your needs in one go. Purchase your essentials with only just a few clicks and browse through their wide range of categories. Shopee's category pages include electronics, fashion, health & beauty, groceries & pets, and many more. What are you waiting for? Order online and wait for your items delivered safely at your door.


Klook, a Hong Kong-based travel site that offers customers travel activities, sightseeing tours, and exciting attractions at lower prices. The company was founded in September 2014 with the idea of helping travelers and tourists find things to do across Asia and now across Europe and America too! Find discounted attraction tickets, tours with unique experiences here on Klook now.

You can also explore coupons from other stores like foodpanda, Lalamove, and Nike. Shopping online can reap great benefits for Filipinos. Thanks to coupons, it is a convenient and cost-effective way for you to get your items!